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m+m signature session

Yoga is a wonderful tool in your healing toolbox. It is available to everybody... and every body! The practice of yoga is exactly that... practice. It's not achievement of the perfect pose because there is no such thing. We are all living in different bodies with different limitations.


ming + ming yoga invites you to your personal edge. We focus on using our breath as a tool to release both physical tension and mental expectations. We use the poses to nourish and strengthen our physical body. We learn to bring mindfulness into our everyday life.


The best part of doing yoga on your computer at home is the privacy to explore your own body and mind in each class.


Current Yoga Classes:

slow your roll on wednesdays

8pm eastern/7pm central/6pm mountain/5pm pacific


flow + let go on fridays

5pm eastern/4pm central/3pm mountain/2pm pacific


Free Karma Classes:

take it easy on mondays

5pm eastern/4pm central/3pm mountain/2pm pacific


good morning flow on thursdays

9:30am eastern/8:30am central/7:30am mountain/6:30am pacific

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