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We want to change the tone of healing

We want to change the tone of healing.

We want to help you navigate your healing journey so that it’s less confusing, less overwhelming, and more accessible.

That’s why we’ve created a single platform where you can discover your ability to heal yourself, creating your own personal growth journey that fits your unique lifestyle and done on your own schedule.

This is our mission because we both understand what it feels like to be stuck with feelings of guilt and shame. We’ve been lost questioning our past “what ifs” and have allowed others to define our outcomes. We both have been consumed by external validation causing us to ignore our own intuition and become less connected to ourselves. At one point, we even believed that wellness, happiness and enjoyment were only obtainable by an elite few.

It was these thoughts and feelings that kept us stuck on autopilot, hoping for change but too fearful to try something different. The idea of changing our lives was so overwhelming and confusing that we found it difficult to start. We would fall back on blaming our shortcomings and continue to harshly judge our performances.

It wasn’t until we discovered a few things on our own personal growth journeys that allowed us to believe that we have the power to heal ourselves. And though the journey will be long and difficult, it is absolutely achievable.

At ming+ming, we provide clarity within the feeling of stuckness with our 11 steps on how to change your life. We gather and share our library of tools, categorizing them by how they’ve affected our progress so we can help guide you through your own journeys. And we bring together a community that understands the struggles of healing and supports each other through the victories and the pitfalls in life.

Our monthly newsletters will address topics that we personally struggle(d) with on our healing journeys. Each month we will cover a new topic, share personal stories and provide tools that have worked to get ourselves unstuck based on our 11 steps. We also have monthly live q+a sessions on Zoom that will answer your questions on how you can apply our 11 steps to your own challenges. Our hope by sharing our journeys, our struggles and our solutions is that it will inspire others to take the first step in the right direction.

Starting the first of next month, we’ll be covering: How to discover your work life balance.

So if you have been ready for change in your life, but are stuck on where to start and fearful of the unknown, then you are in the right place.

ming+ming will guide you on your personal growth journey so you can take the next step towards enjoying the life you work so hard to create.

With love,

Ming-Wai + Ming-Cee

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