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work with us

reiki + crystals + coaching + akashic records + tarot + pet reiki + yoga


signature session


This unique 2-part coaching session will get to the root of your struggles within a week

Plant Shadow

private session


Choose from reiki + crystals, akashic records, tarot cards, private yoga, and pet reiki 


free clarity call



Get a 20-minute clarity call  with Ming-Cee or Ming-Wai


you will not find this anywhere else


the ming+ming

signature session


The insight you will get from the signature session is life-changing and powerful.


Not only will you learn what emotional blocks you're holding in your chakras, you'll also get messages from your spirit guides.


How It Works


Your first session with Ming-Wai will be a reiki + crystal session on Zoom to connect with your intention, deliver guidance, and healing energy.


Within 3-7 days, Ming-Cee will follow-up with a coaching session on Zoom. You will co-develop an action plan to move forward in alignment with your core values and purpose in life.​


Both sessions are approximately 90 minutes each.





(20% off for ming+ming members)​

Signature Session

private sessions

for specific answers

private sessions

reiki + crystal session

Have you told yourself a million times that you wouldn't do something and then feel guilty when you end up doing it anyway?


This reiki + crystal healing session gives you clarity on patterns that keep you stuck while also balancing your chakras and energy field. 


You will leave our session with deeper understanding so you can make the changes you need with confidence. 


tarot card session

Are you considering a big decision and going back and forth on whether you're making the right choice?


This tarot card session will give you clarity on whether your decision will flow smoothly or be met with challenges. 


You will leave our session with more confidence going into this next phase of your life.  


akashic records session

Are you stuck in a world between knowing that you're not on the right path but you wake up every morning making the same decisions?

Being able to tap into your Akashic Records allows you to "talk" to your spirit guides and ask specific questions and get clarity on past life and generational patterns that keep you feeling stuck. 


You will leave our session feeling ready to make changes and feeling supported by your guides. 


My reiki + crystal session with Ming-Wai was nurturing, informative and clear. During the reiki portion, I felt supported and then we gently transitioned into the reading about the specific stones and crystals used. The experience was simple and seamless. I left feeling guided, secure, and fulfilled. Thank you, Ming!


- Devon C.


I LOVED my session with Ming-Wai! Working with her is extremely powerful and she really does have a gift. She confirmed so much of what I've felt in the Deep Knowing - and gave truly loving guidance around things that are hard for me, from the most divine, gentle, and selfless place. Her wisdom, curiosity, experience, and openness make it a wonderful combination to experience and I feel honored that I got to work with her! Will definitely be back for more!


- Miracle L.


I recently had a reiki/intuitive session with Ming-Wai. I have had a large amount of energy work and intuitive sessions over the years and this was a positive experience. She really took the time to help me relax into the space and feel safe. The language she used to communicate about and during the session was broad and relatable. I appreciate that she gave me tangible goals to work on after the session like specific stones I could meditate with. After the session, I was able to release a lot of stagnant energy and emotions that had really built up over time. I feel lighter, more like myself and unburdened.


- Meredith-Gray B.


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pet reiki session

Have you ever wondered how your pets were feeling or what they were thinking?


This pet reiki session uses healing energy to connect with your pets and communicate how you can help them with what they want and need. Pets can be living or passed on.


You will leave your session feeling more connected and confident that you are supporting your furry friend.


postpartum yoga session

Do you feel lost with your new body after childbirth?


Even if it's been years after giving birth, you will benefit from strengthening your pelvic floor, core muscles, and balance. Your private session is a safe space for you to share personal details that you can't in a yoga class setting.


You will leave your session with customized exercises and feeling more confident in your body. 


clarity coaching session

Do you feel overwhelmed with responsibilities and busy all the time, but don't feel like you are accomplishing anything?


Your clarity coaching session will cut through all the noise of comparison, get real clear on your next steps, and address patterns of guilt and shame using the 11-step ming+ming method.


You will leave your session knowing your next steps and feeling motivated to get back on track with your goals.

clarity call

Not Sure Where To Start?

Let's chat.


FREE 20-minute clarity call


Life decisions are rarely simple and never straight forward.


This may be your first time getting energy work, coaching, or an intuitive reading and you want to get the most out of your private session.


Or you just don't know where to start.


Sometimes it's just easier to talk it out.


Fill out the form below and we will give you a call to recommend the best option for you.


Talk to you soon!


You'll hear from us within 2-3 days!

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