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Hi! We’re ming+ming, and we lost ourselves

In true life fashion, the more we tried to be “something” for everyone, the less we connected authentically.  

The more we tried to do the “right” next step, the more confused we became by the results.

And the more we tried to guess what people wanted, the less we were able to give them what they needed.  

And that’s because we had lost ourselves.

Little by little, we consumed as much information as possible on how to grow a business in all the “right” ways. But what we realized deep in our souls was that our true selves had been drowned out by the how-to’s, the listen-to-me’s, and the do-it-like-this.

We knew we had lost ourselves because we found ourselves in confusion, in heated discussions, and in old patterns we didn’t even know existed. We felt stuck and frustrated even though we were doing everything “right.”

And don’t get us wrong, none of what we went through was a mistake or a waste of time because we learned something incredibly valuable. 

The truth is ming+ming was created out of our own personal struggles and we continue to build and grow our business as we continue to build and grow ourselves. Thankfully for us, despite how uncomfortable it got between us, we were able to fall back on a solid foundation of love and trust.

And just like many times before, when life got so noisy and unpleasant, we found ourselves relying on the exact same ming+ming 11-step method we created years ago.

Here are the steps we took to get back on track:

We got quiet and took a social media detox. 

We stopped listening to podcasts about how to grow a business and started to breathe again.  

We put down the self-help books and grabbed a good fiction novel.  

We started to do things that felt good and felt authentic, and in that pause we found our clarity.

Over the years we tried to follow ALL the advice we received on how to be successful and we forgot the most important part… to get right with ourselves first.  

The thing is, we thought we were doing US until the comparisons and negative reel started to creep in and before we knew it, we were in the same patterns again. We didn’t even know we were doing it - we just knew it didn’t feel right.

And as we have learned from our past, we were quicker to realize that we were skipping the part of checking in with ourselves before deciding which tip, trick, suggestion, or knowledge to apply to our business.  

But by giving ourselves the quiet time to reflect, we came to realize that we weren’t getting the results we wanted because we aren’t meant to do things like everyone else.  

We are here to do things differently, to create something entirely new that’s never been done before.  

We aren’t here to sell you another how-to-be-like-us product or service. 

We’re here to create a platform that allows you to discover your own truths so you have the ability to find your own solutions to your own struggles.

Because at ming+ming we believe that no one’s solution is everyone’s solution. None of us are meant to do it like everyone else because we aren’t everyone else.  

We believe that if you are brave enough to search for your answers, you should be able to discover them.  

We believe that wellness should be self-defined and self-indulged with the freedom to change, mess up and grow without the guilt for not having everything figured out.  

And we believe that we are NOT meant to do this alone.  

Though self-discovery and healing is a personal journey, it is not meant to be done in shameful isolation. We are meant to be a community that supports one another's struggles by relying on one another’s strengths.

So in 2025, we have decided to invest more into ourselves, more into ming+ming, so that we can create a stronger foundation that better supports others who too are searching for their own answers.  

We’ll be bringing back our long-form blogs to our Monday emails, with the old mixed in with the new.  

We’ll continue to host classes and workshops that provide our community with the knowledge they need to continue to FACE their challenges and struggles.  

And we are going to focus on creating deeply healing and nourishing retreats to bring all our creative and healing properties into one space.

We want to thank everyone who has been on this journey with us, we are so grateful that you allow us to grow in front of your eyes and you’ve accepted every version of us thus far.  

We hope you keep sticking with us because we’ve never been more clear with how far we can ALL go.

We got you.  You got you.

Ming-Wai + Ming-Cee

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