We were inspired by a comment by one of our amazing ming+ming community members and it got us thinking about being perfectly imperfect.
In the age of social media, we are being programmed to share our lives through curated boxes. Everyone has a chance to tell their unique life story: captured, filtered, and then posted. Most of us are encouraged to show only a certain side of ourselves making it easy to get lost in other peoples’ scripted stories, and making it easy to lose perspective of our own. This comparison can leave us reaching for the illusion of manicured perfection.
But what if we were to shift our perspectives from striving for perfection to accepting that we are all perfectly imperfect. Every single one of us is on a lifelong journey of self discovery, finding ease in our own skins, and comfort with our natural strengths and weaknesses. While we may be tempted to live this journey through filtered photos and lots of “likes,” the harder but more fulfilling journey starts by going inside and achieving a “like” from an audience of one.
In September our theme is community + sharing our stories because we are not meant to do this alone and our stories are meant to be heard. When we are vulnerable to share our stories, it gives others the permission to say “I'm not alone in this.” And when we surround ourselves with a community that truly listens, supports our transitions, encourages us to keep being honest, and shares their own vulnerable stories, then it opens the doors for us to all be free to celebrate the diversity and uniqueness in all of our beautiful imperfections.
Our Thursday night meditation classes are when our ming+ming community meets up, shares our weekly struggles and our victories, encourages each other to find what unique tools work best, and holds space for one another as we explore and keep growing. It is a safe place to lay down our shields, open up our hearts, and share what makes us perfectly imperfect.
Follow along with us in September as we share our stories on how ming+ming started and how it continues to grow organically. We welcome you to join our beautiful community and listen to our stories and to welcome you to share your own.
If we can accept the imperfection that we’re working on in ourselves, then we can travel this long and treacherous journey with good company and have an easier time accepting help from others as we grow beautifully inside and out.
With love,
Ming-Wai + Ming-Cee